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Not bad looking forward to where it goes. I think it's worth the money for sure you can tell a lot of work was put into it. Kinda wish new game was an actual new game and you had more cues if you actually hired someone good. Seems nothing I do will change being fired near the end.


Thanks! We are releasing the new prototype soon with proper progression and new gameplay mechanics! :) 


cool, I'll look forward to it and will drop a updated review accordingly 👍 thanks.

Unable to open the web address


just for clarification, if I buy the deluxe version, and a new update drops, I just need to re-download the delux?

Yes absolutely! <3

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very neat game, i like the graphic style.

Thank you <3


what is apart of the deluxe download?


You can access all the available custom characters :) 

can we download the game?

Eu não consigo passar do 1 dia não importa o que eu faça dês de ontem eu tento

It might be that you are playing the demo. It is limited to only 1 day.

You have to carefuly select and download the file for the full version if you want to play more than 1 day.

(2 edits)

O jogo completo é pago.  Infelizmente pra nós BR acaba sendo muito caro, a versão de luxo está custando 130 reais (25 USD) e a "normal" 52 reais (10 USD), quase o preço de um AAA. Talvez alguma hora o dev faça alguma promoção. Conheço um site que consegue jogos do tipo que são pagos aqui ou em outras plataformas de graça, porém capaz de eu ser banido da comunidade ou algo assim kkkkk



I have made multiple attemps at beating the game, but no matter what, I always get fired after day 12, with management telling me I suck and not get my quota. This is pretty annoying and makes the game very very short.

Is that on purpose?

Also, the game always assumes you banged and recruited the mayors daughter, which I did not do. But still the mayor and bodyguard insist I did.

FYI, I'm playing on android.


We are releasing the new prototype soon with proper progression and new gameplay mechanics! :) 


i can't play on mobile

Can you specify the issue? Can you open the game?

If I try to type in a name for the character it doesn't bring up the keyboard to type, that is what I mean.


how do I make a name on mobile

It was fixed on our last update :)


Can I add Chinese?

This is one of our TODO list in the future :) 


what's the difference between the versions 


From the replies I have seen and various comments while wondering the same thing: it seems the normal version has very limited content, the "full" version has more content but not all (which kinda negates the "full" imo, but w/e), and the deluxe is new so I am not sure. It might be the stuff that was prior locked behind the Patreon pay wall, but I could be wrong.

Nice game :)

(1 edit) (+8)

Found this, might be something to look into, it's pretty sketch...
Obviously, don't download the game in the following link.
I'm just informing the devs about it.
[Link deleted, the fake game was taken down]


I ended up accidentally downloading it thinking it was this game, it prompted me to download some other things that I ended up deleting since it seemed super sketch.  I don't know what it was but I ran some scans and checked my task manager to make sure most if not all of it was deleted and not working anymore.  Please tell me if there is anything more I need to do in order to keep myself safe besides resetting my pc. 



If you have a secuirty program installed run it. also report any accounts you see promoting the link.


You should check for anything in your "AppData" folder containing the name of the app or it's "publisher" and delete it.
Win+R - Type '%appdata%' - Go back one directory - Then check your Local, LocalLow, and Roaming folders.

Also check your "Startup" tab in Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) for anything suspicious.
Typically best to disable anything but system apps and drivers in Startup but, you do you of course.

It'd be smart to do all that for every "user" on your PC if you have other accounts.
If you still don't feel like your PC is secure,  just reinstall Windows. Though, you should be fine for the most part.


The accountant girl who wants 65,000-75,000 a month 😅 she can't be serious

Hey i bought the 10$ one before the deluxe came out and so I added 15$, is it possible to get a download key for deluxe

Hi :) please message me on Discord.


When i asked if i will pay for full version if i will have new updates free you said yes, but i can't download this new full version without paying.

If you click the download now in the middle of this page, it does start a new purchase.
There are two places to get updated downloads of games you have purchased: 1 is a little text link right at the top of the page that is easy to miss that says when you purchased it, the other is to go to My Library. Both of these require you to be logged in to itchio.


Please include a virtual keyboard when asking for a name or in any textfield. Sometimes the keyboard doesn't load up in android.

We'll see what we can do!

(1 edit) (+4)

Is there going to be a gallery

Maybe, anything is possible at the moment


Can you make it so you can type without a keyboard so you can use a phone keyboard 

We'll see what we can do



Hey, is there any exclusive waifus in game yet? I bought exclusive version on subscribestar for 11,11$, so will I have exclusive waifus when they released?


can you give me the exclusive file

Yes, but only 3 are currently released at the moment


I can´t put the game on fullscreen :´)


What platform are you playing at?


Unable to play fullscreen either - PC

(F11/Alt+Enter does not work)


Great game so far love it!good work!!

I'm glad you like it!

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There should animation, will there be? Hey, I would love if Aura from overlord be in this game. Even shall-chair get it!



Why paypal only ???? Can you please put credit cards


This has nothing to do with the developer or their game. I understand not wanting to use paypal, but take it up with it's a website problem, not the game's.


Honestly just surprised to see someone who doesn't have or use a PayPal in this day n age... it's become one of the easy use options for paying just about anything o.o


I have an account on paypal, but I don't like paypal as a company, so I don't keep any cards/bank accounts saved and I try to refrain from using them. I totally understand why someone would be upset that paypal is their only option to buy something.

well, to each their own I suppose.

It's not about using PayPal at all. I can buy games at itch io using virtual prepaid cards, but PayPal is blocked in my country, sooo...


hmm, all do you have sex with Emily??

Most characters have adult scenes as well!

(1 edit) (+21)(-1)

This game looks good. I pay the 10€ to get the full content. Open it.

It says I need to be a 12€ patreon to get the full game.

Not only do I get falsely advertised, but also if have become a 7.50€ patreon I would have got the game for cheaper (yes with taxes).

But now I have to refund this game and become a 12€ patreon?
Why just not sell the game and its "exclusives" for 12€?

Maybe Im missing something. But this is the just such a inconvenience.


Perhaps after buying, you have still downloaded the Demo Version? The game will say otherwise that it's the Complete version.


Im talking about the "exclusive waifus". Dont call it a complete game, if you need to be a 12€ patreon to get the complete game.

Nowhere was said that this is a thing until you open the game.
You are showing this huge character-wheel of well known characters on the storepage and you cant even access them in any way from this site here, nor is been said that patreon is mandatory for the full game.

Im sure this is not an attempt at gaining more money, but currently this seems just really misleading and sketchy!


It absolutely is, I just went to buy the "complete" version with the exclusives, and all the exclusives are marked as "coming soon"


Well, it seems like an urgent matter you have to fix, hope you fix it as soon as possible friend.


Had the same issue bought the tier recruiter on patreon but the google drive for the tier recruiter was linked to the apprentice folder on google drive.


the lofi song that plays throughout the game didn't need to slap this hard. Can anyone tell me the name?

I failed Emily, yet for the next guy I got the "I've been waiting for two hours" dialogue, which I assume is what you get if you had sex with her.

Very interesting game, looking forward to seeing how it develops!

(1 edit) (+15)

So I paid for the Complete Version of this game? Why is there locked content? That`s not what Complete Version means.

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+15)

But then why am I supposed to subscribe to patreon for some code? Or is that just mislabeled?
Complete means Complete so including paid Content. Nothing left out.
I mean I there is no real difference between the paid version and the free version. What even is the point?


On the demo version, you only get access up to the end of Day 1. On the complete version, you get access to the "complete" game until Day 12. The Patreon version gives you access to "extra" or "exclusive" content that isn't part of the base game. Think of them as DLCs.

(1 edit) (+18)(-1)

I dont think of it as dlc. Complete means complete if this is not the complete game I will refund this. This was not advertised as such.
Sorry. But thanks for the honest reply.


Technically the demo does say that there are characters that are patreon-exclusive. But I do think that if you're paying here for the complete game, it should come with those.


the game is great!


The most unbelievable thing here is getting an instant response from an employer.


Well yeahh!!!!


i tried to install the game it keep telling me theres no installer known i have a Linux ubuntu 20.04


damm that sucks


Can you please elaborate regarding this issue?

sorry but theres no more information i can see about that just that there´s no manager for the installer known (i would have included a screenshot to the problem but itch won´t let me.)

I had trouble with the Linux version as well, so I tried running the Windows version with wine, and it worked perfectly


Want to pay but there is no  option to pay with card.

you can also pay thru the patreon


A good start, but the coding has clearly been mixed up quite a bit. Lots of bugs that cause lack of continuity (for example, dismissing the mayor's daughter twice results in the options with the bodyguard assuming actions took place).

can you tell me what day that bug is on so that i can recreate and send a report

I have no idea. I just know it happened. Sorry I can't be of more help. If someone wants to check, I'd say denying her twice (when she first arrives then again when she tells you her father is investigating you) might trigger it again.


Yep, we're just finding these bugs right now but patching them up immediately. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Using Dialogic?


Im confused on how to get the sex scenes lol

In the banner the dick is the wrong way. Its upside down. 

That should be fixed on the most recent version now!

Thank you.


Does the game contain animation?

Only minimal, but future versions will have them all fully animated!


if i will pay 10 USD in future updates i will have free ? thanks for info.

Yes, all updates for the base complete game!



Thank you!


Hahaha this is original and seems really funny ! Could I do a bit of let's play videos on Horny Recruiter ? (knowing that I post on porn website and earn a bit of ads revenues from that ^^)

Of course!

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