As the first entry of our Forbidden Confessions series, Blackout features the confession story of James, your stereotypical middle-aged man with a naughty past. It's been years since that incident, but James seems to can't get over with his stepsisters, despite already having an ideally pretty wife. 

What's so special about his stepsisters that he can't just seem to forget about? 

You'll find it out soon enough.


  • Uniquely immersive story
  • 8,000+ words
  • Full illustrations
  • Animated lewd scenes
  • Inspired by a true confession


All characters are fictional and 18+ years old.

Our game doesn't include any illegal or forbidden content according to the TOS.


Please consider supporting us on Patreon so we can work faster for the game!


PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 3.4 out of 5 stars
(96 total ratings)
AuthorStrange Girl Studios
GenreVisual Novel, Interactive Fiction, Role Playing
Made withGodot
TagsAdult, Anime, Cute, Eroge, Erotic, Hentai, NSFW, Porn
Average sessionA few hours
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen


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FC:MSS (Android) 92 MB
FC:MSS (Linux) 112 MB
FC:MSS (Mac) 97 MB
FC:MSS (Windows) 83 MB
FC:MSS Full (Android) 92 MB
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FC:MSS Full (Linux) 112 MB
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FC:MSS Full (Mac) 97 MB
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FC:MSS Full (Windows) 83 MB
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Seems like a dead game at least on here the same demo has been posted for over a year now. And I don't want to waste money if the "Full" is pretty much the same gameplay with a little extra scenes. 

(1 edit) (+3)

Really wish they would put the price in the info link not just the actual game page... or at least say its a DEMO unless you purchase it so I wont click on these accidentally...  -_-


I wanna clap my moms cheeks



I tried purchasing the game but after I confirmed payment it gave me a "We had an issue processing your payment" message. Pls help


had that problem with another game, heard itch is stopping payments on stuff like this, that might be the case


How is this an interactive fiction or roleplay genre? It is a kinetic novel. At least the demo is.

For those who do not know what a kinetic is, it is a visual novel without the game play (making choices).


bro def got the rizz


when i bought it, the names all looked the same, almost got the wrong one

I think you forgot to loop the music


Will I be unable to access some of the contents if I don't get the full one?


10 inch dick... isn't that a lil too long?


Not if someone's pussy is either 11 inches long, or really stretchy U.U


Not according to my exs.

Sorry bout your luck.



gameplay não comentado!

I don't uh..really wanna be rude but...where is the download for the full? I can't find it anywhere...

It's on this page. You click the download now button and when it does the "This is free but you can pay if you want" prompt, if you put in $4.99+, you get access to the full downloads.


Ohh..thanks! But I'm broke rn Lol


What does full mean


You have to buy it for everything to be unlocked


Imagine if he got secretly NTR-ed by his wife while he is with his stepsisters

Trade one for 3? Hardly seems worth the effort to bother imagining. 

I want to know why I even thought of that to begin with tbh 😔 and I'm sorry for even bringing it up


No need to be, not every thought that goes through people heads are fully thought out.  We think it and just go with it.

I've said plenty of things that I later thought about and went "The hell was I saying?" or asked questions with obvious answer, is what it is.


Idk why but im on Android and it won't let me progress, it said it's only a demo do I need to perhaps play on laptop?

You need to buy the full version.

is this the full release and completed?


meh... stepcest is lame.. make it real incest or don't bother...


bro you goofy


He's right... stepcest is just sex, not incest.

There is literally no point.

It just is what it is.


I disagree but kinda based.


"A man with his three stepsisters..."

Say no more.

harem possibility?

(1 edit)

Probably, knowing that in the existing scenes one of the girls teaches another how to have fun with you.


He's got the hair for it.

wtf is these 😳


 this is a game,questions?


thank you


This game starts with non consented, although somehow consensual, sex and light female domination.

I'll take the chance to underline the fact that rape victims are not responsible for what is done to them.

"James" says "I'm far, far from the ideal man." while in the demo he's done nothing at all. There is no reason to look down on yourself for things you have no control upon.

Now i'm not blaming the game author, nor the content, and "James" seemed to be enjoying it quite a lot. It's only the start i guess... Just the link between "James" opinion on his own morality and the demo content seemed off to me and i wanted to say so.


Is this what post-nut clarity is?




It's not rape if you give consent afterwards. But it has to be enthusiastic, informed, non-coerced consent.


By definition consent has to happ en before the event. To consent is to give agreement for a course of action to come.


if you get kissed by someone, and you turn around and it's your wife, you didn't give consent at that moment but you grant consent after.

If you and your date have sex while high, because you are high, you cannot give consent. Afterwards, if you both are ok with it, you can grant uncoerced consent.

You cannot prosecute anyone if there is no victim. Consent can be given AND taken after the event.


Are you talking language or are you talking law?

Because language wise it is always momentarily for an action that happens or is or might be happening.

A synonym would be willing. You can't retroactivly be not willing for a thing in the past, were you do in fact were willing. Same as you cannot be willing later for a thing you were unwilling at the time.

It is not called changing your consent, there are other words for that. The first would be regret, the second approval. You can change your willingness during the act, though.

As for a wife kissing her husband, assuming a normal marriage, the wife would know the consentual status of the husband about kissing.

And while being high might impair your legal and attractivness judgment, if you screw while high and not while incapacitated, you were obviously willing and thus consenting.

You might regret it. That is even a common trope in story telling, drunkenly waking up next to a stranger. Or you might approve and go for round two in the morning.

But you cannot change your past consent. Unless you were roofied, you willingly got high with a potential sexual partner. One of the reasons to actually get high is to lower inhibitions. Imho it is a lame excuse to claim one could not give consent to whatever happens. If you get high willingly, you have to accept the consequences as your doing.

Now, legally, there might be differences, as legal terms have nothing to do with everyday language and are specific for a jurisdition and not universal. Language I can put into a translator, laws not so much.

(1 edit) (-1)

Edit. @is that a bad thing blocked me after insulting me so I have posted my response further up the chain. 


You really are bad at this.

  You couldn't even muster a justification for your actions or support for your position.

  Then your attempts at an insult just amused me with its gross inaccuracy. Both factually and as an insult.

  It is funny that he's doubling down on sharing his "problem"  by once again using "not having sex" as an insult. And he further let us know his MRA affiliation by using the term incell. Which no one but bitter twisted MRAs (And yes I know bitter MRA is a redundant phrase.) use.  Any bets on what not-having-sex-currently phrase he's going to use next? Eunuch? MRA? Asexual? His own name? Or do you think hes in the closet and the next round of insults will be homophobic smears? 

 It might be that he's going to let us know about a different fear of his by calling me a cuckold?

  Or is he going to rage quit because I've already taken away all the insults he fears and he won't know what name to call me and he can't say anything that actually supports his position?


(1 edit) (+1)

Sure, the fact that you are a virgin because you are someone who will never be chosen by anyone else is everyone else's problem, and you are just too perfect to be the common denominator... right?      The real world has never worked that way, and it never will.

You being an incel? That is a uniquely a "you" problem. Not my fault in any world, you can stop blaming me for you being so unlovable that your own mother wishes she'd had an abortion.

Now, go play in traffic... and don't come back until your troll ass catches a car, ya worthless incel.


Let me guess... "It has to be verbal consent, a million ways to physically give consent but none count"?

Ok, virgin.



  Oh my gosh.

  What kind of penis related self esteem do you  have that you even think  to use virgin as an insult? Why would you think that would butthurt someone?  

It does say a lot about you and your own sexual insecurities.Also about your inability to have proper cognitive function as demonstrated by your completely impotent and irrelevant attempts,

  But, dear audience he was trying to play to,  read his other comments across many game's threads and you too will realize be has all the manners of a 12 year old playing CoD on a Captain Crunch high. High handed absolute statements  that are absolutely wrong. Insulting people for not knowing things that aren't common knowledge. Mansplaining computer programming to actual published game programmers.  Etc etc.

  There are several games I have checked out and paid for specifically because he trashed them.

 I recommend  believing the opposite of what he says about the quality of the game as a way to find great games


ok, incell.